Monday, August 27, 2007

Whoo Hoo – another resource!

Last week I learned there are a bunch of articles about the RC hobby on I started reading this one:, but if you go there you can see there are many to click on. And I scanned a few others. Some of it is obvious once you read it—like friends or kids playing with an RC vehicle, that each needs to be on a different frequency—but not sure I would’ve thought of it on my own. Anyway, this guy even has a free newsletter!

Here are some shots taken at a show I went to in Gardner, Kansas. Notice how the helicopter is flying upside down. It was really cool seeing these guys control their planes and copters. Thanks, Don, for lettin' me borrow your pics.

airplane smiley face on

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Learned something new!

I just discovered the Academy of Model Aeronautics or AMA.
Here's what they say about themselves:

Whether you want to hear the whine of a turbine-powered jet, learn to fly a helicopter, pilot your own giant-scale aircraft, or enjoy a quiet afternoon soaring your sailplane with friends, the AMA can show you where to find instructors, how to become involved, and help answer almost any question.

Their headquarters in Muncie, Indiana hosts the National Model Aviation Museum.

I also found info on publications, events, and local chapters. I had no clue such a resource was out there for the RC hobbyiest.

A smiley face flying in an airplane
